Please sell this in the Mac app store. Im a (very longtime) Mac developer and I would help you port what you have over to the Mac for free. This would be so much better because: keyboard support, the ability to play the game in one window and have the map open at the same time in another. I purchased this product in 1993 for the Mac in the form of "Lost Treasures of Inform I & II" and then I bought the whole thing again in the late 90s bought on a CD with the games on it. I also used to drool over these games in the 1980s at "Software Etc.". I was a kid and couldnt afford them. I did play a bootleg copy of Zork I for the Apple ][ around 1983 and a pirated copy of Leather Goddesses of Phobos a bit later. Both of the packages I bought in the 90s were for the Mac, but obviously it was pre-OS X so youd have to run them in an emulator today, or there is a way to extra the playable game and run it on a Z-machine. But thats really more work than Id be up for when wanting the play. Plus, I love having the companion docs for the games. So a modern MacOS X version of Lost Treasures of Infocom would be amazing. I think I bought Lost Treasures even more times than I have purchased the album "Los Angeles" by X (cassette, vinyl, CD, remastered CD, and finally iTunes), Id be happy to buy this one again on Mac.